Hello Friends!
My Name is Aleta and I am the heart and soul behind Mama Bear’s Cookbook!
I live in beautiful BC Canada with my two sweet little ladies! Raising babies while cooking up a storm is what I like to do, while photographing the whole parade of course. It can be a bit hectic but hey, life’s too short not to bake cake just cuz you’ve got diapers to change and wee mouths to feed! My husband calls me his Tornado, my children call me their Mama.
A little back story
I’ve loved to cook and bake since the Christmas my parents got me an easy bake oven as a child. No joke.
My favourite was the spice cake which I have yet to re-create! I loved that ‘toy’! From there I went on to create my very first recipe: ‘Al’s Special Delight’… It was bad.. so bad… basically a slice of bread, with miracle whip, topped off with a slice of fake cheese and (oh how I hate to continue) microwave until the cheese melts.. *barf* BUT my parents were troopers and ‘loved’ my recipe. I used to make it all the time for my 3 siblings. *hangs head in shame* Trust me when I say my recipes have become much better!!
After graduation I packed up and skipped across Georgia Straight to Vancouver Island to attend the Culinary Arts program at the University. It’s known world-wide for its amazing program! Epic Failure. I lasted three weeks before my chef said to me: ‘You know Aleta, you are too happy. This world will break you.’ To this day I don’t know why I quit. I loved to cook. Perhaps I didn’t have the experience to know exactly how much I loved to cook.
Then there were a few years I spent working with animals, another passion of mine. I went from retail to care and loved them both, but it wasn’t until I started to work with food again that my original passion was reignited.
Eight years I spent working in a deli before I retired to raise my little girls. By far the funnest job I had, I miss those busy deli days 100%. Between the fast paced atmosphere, food production, gorgeous tray assemblies and recipe creation, it was the perfect job.
I’ve been working with food for a decade now, enjoying the freedom to create and raise my daughters at the same time. Being healthy for my girls has become another passion of mine, in line with making healthy food for them that they love.
If you have any questions, recipe related or not, please don’t hesitate to reach out and ask.